Software Development.

Find Your Next Software Developer Role in New Zealand

New Zealand’s booming software industry is home to innovative companies that create world-class products! We seek talented developers with expertise in diverse software languages and frameworks for exciting opportunities. From Front End to Full Stack and Mobile developers, we connect the best talent with top companies.

Full Stack Developer Overview

Full Stack Developers are experts in both the front end and back end of websites and software applications. They craft the user-facing interface, ensuring a seamless design and functionality. Additionally, they manage the back-end architecture, handling program logic and server database interactions. Popular technologies include Java, .Net, PHP, React, Angular, and Node.JS.

Front End Developers

Front End Developers work on new and existing micro-sites, landing pages and templates, as well as provide guidance and troubleshooting support. Popular languages & skills include HTML5, CSS, W3C, React, Angular, Typescript, Node.JS & Vue.Js. They structure and design web pages with the aim of striking a balance between functional and aesthetic design, repair front-end related bug issues on existing website & apps and ensure optimisation on all devices.

Back End Developers

A Back End Developer builds and maintains the technologies that power servers, applications & databases that enable the user-facing side of the website or web application. In order to make servers, applications and databases communicate with each other, Back End Developers use server-side languages like PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, and .Net to build application code and tools like MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server to find, save, or change data and serve it back to the user in front-end code.

Mobile Developers

Mobile Application Developers primarily create, develop, maintain and upgrade mobile apps and products that are used on smartphone or tablet devices. They have a specialist development skill set tailored for mobile operating systems, primarily with Android and iOS. Mobile developers use the programming language and software development environment suited to their chosen platform. Common languages include Java, Objective-C, Swift and Cocoa Touch.

Embedded Software Engineers

An Embedded Software Engineer will develop optimised code for specific hardware platforms, primarily firmware controlling and/or managing hardware devices. These roles are generally a mix of electronics and software. Most come from engineering backgrounds with strong C/C++ coding skills, strong Python scripting skills, able to read schematics & electronic data sheets and understand communication protocols.

ERP/CRM Platform Developers

Many developers choose to specialise in a particular platform with their own set of development tools and API’s. Typically these roles incorporate deploying, customising and integrating a platform or product to suit a clients requirements. Popular platforms include Salesforce, SAP, Oracle, Dynamics 365 and others. Many have specialist development languages or tools to suit but most have core coding skills in Java, .Net and HTML.

Other Developer Roles

There are a variety of other specialist developer roles across a large range of job types that our team recruit. We often has developer roles in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) utilising tools such as Blueprism or UiPath. We also place people into Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning roles, and IOT and Blockchain development jobs. Other variations include specialist 3D or Game Developers. Talk to us about the particular type of developer you need.

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Office Locations

Level 15,
88 Shortland Street
Auckland 1010
Ph: 09 217 3726

Level 12,
10 Customhouse Quay
Wellington 6011
Ph: 04 213 8088


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